It's that time again
Violation letters are on the rise so I thought I'd share mine with you!
No need to be stingy or keep all to myself....don't be a HATER!!!! LMAO
Just got my first one in a long time! I have each and every one ever
obtained, true violation or made up bullshit. I'm going to find colored
laminates to hang all out for seasonal decorations on the outside of my
condo. What if it starts a trend? Can you see pulling into the
complex with violations all over the place, green and red for Christmas,
pink and yellow for Easter and why not display in color YOUR KIDS ARE
fought long and hard for this country for FREEDOM!!!
I didn't really start getting any until I had a couple strange
neighbors move in. Please watch for my blog: And Along Came Helga!)
Well, one has been here most of the time I have, but I WAS FIRST to live
here. Isn't there a pecking order? I really mean no disrespect but
wasn't anyone complaining ever a kid? By the way, it wasn't just me
that got the letter this time but it usually is just me who gets a
letter for something like shoes at the front door, trash I set out and
didn't run to the dumpster because the damn thing was full dog shit that
wasn't mine.....! Really? Can I fine you, property managers, Rumpke or
anyone else I just want to let know I'm a miserable person? Nah, not
me...not miserable so I will continue to laugh with you at me and see
when you decide to find the human side of your mind ......then maybe,
just maybe we can talk about all this. Or maybe, just maybe if there is
ever a playground, most of the neighborhood won't have to congregate in
front of my door...but even if they do, I don't mind and don't
discriminate against kids. Remember, they may be the one you beg to
wheel you to the common area of the nursing home some day. They may be
the one you beg to change your adult diapers as they feed you some food
you wish they'd just salt or cool off before forcing you to eat. Get
the picture? Kids are our future. What do you think you're doing to
your future by stifling kids? Statistics aren't real good for kids that
aren't allowed outside, right? How many Americans are over weight?
Hum, wonder if they were allowed to play outside and ride bikes? You
see, even prisoners in the penitentiary get a play yard outside, by law
so where does that leave us here at Jamestowne and any other unfair and
discriminating place for kids? It's OK for the dogs to walk around here
with leashes in the common area so maybe, just maybe if I put a leash
on my kids and anyone else that comes to my door it'll be OK to let the
kids out front :) Besides, it's kids the older folks love to see
dancing and twirling carelessly through the grass because it reminds of
us a happier time....
......unless you live at Jamestowne....
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