I moved here in 1997 and haven't left yet. I wouldn't say I'm completely happy here but I have such great support from my school district and some neighbors I would rather not live without because we tend to help each other with our kids. Even those without kids have been known to help out with an emergency sitter or even a wonderful meal when some kind of crisis or mayhem had taken over. I'd love to fill you in on the comings and goings of when I first moved in but you'll be getting bits and pieces of that here and I'm actually thinking it's enough for a book. Some of it is actually so unbelievable you'll have to decide if it's fiction or not!
I'll leave you with a brief description of some of the people and maybe my most memorable moment whether it be good, bad or indifferent so hopefully if any of you fellow Jamestowne neighbors recognize yourselves, God forgive me in advance because I've been wanting to do this forever!!!! And to think some of you moved thinking you were finally free......
Firstly we have a very Disturbed older lady. After calling my daughter fat she tried to run us over. Nothing the police can do since it isn't a public road and we were standing there....huh?
We also have several families from other countries that have been here many years. The first had a daughter here with kids that was a super person and couldn't wait to get her now husband here in the states. They are now in another country but her mom and dad live here and although there have been some issues, I think we agree to disagree and act like neighbors should and that's what I call REAL!
The second family I didn't know well but has a sweet daughter and dog MY dogs love to torture by chasing back home when he comes to pee on my patio! (yep, doing their job!)
The third family has the sweetest mom ever. She helped my oldest daughter at her job in a restaurant and made people laugh and smile daily. I was super happy to see them move in the community!
The fourth I really felt a great friendship with since I had taken their kids to school when they first arrived, read paperwork that was in English and tried to explain, spent a big part of my time on the phone helping them to get insurance, put up with their daughter throwing paper in my wash cycle, broke them into their condo when locked out, helped them flip the switch to the electric box that blew, came nose to nose with their son around midnight one night when he threatened to kick my dog and my favorite (NOT) is when my dog bit the mom (wonder why?) and I had him put to sleep in fear of what would happen if I didn't! Yep, I put the daddy down to all my Maltese babies because they wouldn't speak to me and I worried they'd call the cops.....after I said sorry over and over!!!! Actually when the box with my Spykey Boy was being carried in our condo, Mr. Instantreflex, the papa neighbor, kept screaming something in his language (not sure what you speak from Bosnia) and throwing his hands in the air! Uggghhhh!!!!
We have a group of ladies that are having the time of their lives keeping the pool alive at night. I've still got mega kids so they're having enough fun for all of us but they're dog loven, whooping and hollering fun ladies. There is one man in the bunch because his fiance is part of the "ladies club" but he's also considered to be in the "kids click" because the kids love him. He spend time tossing and dunking them in the pool.......which is something most people wouldn't take the time to do...and they love our neighborhood "big kid" who on occasion will steal their bike or roller blade for a few minutes!
There are a few of us moms that are doing it pretty much on our own. Sometimes I think we're probably known as the boring ones but it's all good. I had one jolly ass good time years ago before I was ever 21 years old and well after 21 years of age. I don't mind helping out so these moms can get a little break like I did with my parents helping way back when.
We have an older couple that are very quiet and kind. Kinda cute how the husband sneezes every time he walks outside like clockwork. I have never had one mean word and she is a retired teacher of a very well known private school so she generously sends me the packets and magazines she still gets. Her husband I knew from cutting hair years ago and has always been a hoot......and sure does love her
Also, we have a little lady that seems to be getting a weeee bit older. Bundled up and situated all the kids one day so I could shovel her iced car out. As I came upon the car and told her I'd do it she unleashed on me
I think that about sums it up for the groups. There are a few more groups and I'm positive you'll be hearing about them but for now this is enough to get to know.. I wouldn't want to scare you away!! See you soon with the latest and more background/updates.
Welcome to The Jamestowne Zone
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