Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Grump Day Before Hump Day

I absolutely hate the color green so I thought I'd use it for the day I had yesterday....and was one of those days. I'll call it GRUMP DAY.
It actually started off Monday and carried over into Tuesday.
I get a call from Launa about 6:30 in the morning and she's trying to find the Clermont County Job and Family Services so she can get her fingerprints to help me with the baby. Someone there told her it was by the hospital..? OK...wrong, so anyway, she finds it and waits along with people trying to get public assistance so the line is long and it seems as if she'd better run as fast as she can getting to the front desk as soon as the lady opens up. NOT! She made an appointment. She had no clue it was with a fraud investigator named Kevin Obrien. A tall man with a very shiney bald head. I met him once last year. Seemed very nice both on the phone and in person. He even knew my little girl's father so when she said he wasn't very nice, her son was scared to death of him and he was very impatient with her not knowing how to give fingerprints I found it just a little hard to believe. I've known Launa for over 14 yrs. so I have no doubt in what she says but thought maybe it was just a little too early for her to be doing me the favor so she can help me with the kids. Well, I called Mr. Obrien to see if it was him she was talking about. OMG...sure as shit it was! He was about as friendly as a fossil! I won't even go into the conversation but I can tell you this much. I understand why a little boy would be frightened of such a tall thin man with such a gruff voice and shiney head. Personally, he just made me mad that he could be so rude and mean to my friend who was only trying to help me with the state rules! She'd never done prints before so how was she to know the correct way to put your inked prints on the paper. GEEZLEPETE! Anyway, that was just the start of the week.
The next day I had to go to the same building but different department. I didn't know exactly where the elevator was, even though I asked the sweet lady on the phone and she told me by the gazebo. I went in the same door Launa must have gone in and low and behold who did I pass as he was opening the door to take a client back? That wonderful hunk of a Obrien! I said politely "Could you tell me where the elevator is?" as he stood there saying nothing for about 5 to 10 seconds he gruffly and not so kindly said gave me the directions to the half circle which was a bit longer of a walk than actually necessary. There was one before that! Mind you I was pushing a double stroller and carrying an infant in a baby carrier on the front of me and it was snowing out! Talk about a work out. I ran into 3 gentlemen that opened the door for me and walked a bit and opened another door for me and right away I knew they weren't working there. Way too nice! Not that all people working there are nice but the majority of ones I've dealt with weren't very personable. That's our taxpayer dollars at work. Maybe the government should do something about keeping people a little happier in the workplace since we pay them because if I'm paying someone to do a job I sure as hell don't need a grouch. I can go anywhere and get that for free!
So my reason for going in the same building was for visits with my daughter for her kids. She has to be difficult and not be grateful for me keeping her kids so I have to do the visits through Clermont County Children Services. It's probably a better thing. I don't have to have her at my house emotionally beating me down in front of the kids. It was my first time there and I'm not so sure what I thought of the place but it worked that day. Her case plan manager seems to be nice so far but I hope I didn't make her mad by getting on her a bit for warming the baby's bottle up in a microwave. (OH NO YOU DIDN'T) She said she didn't have kids so she didn't know how to do it. I'll give her that one because so far she's been personable and didn't try to act like I was full of crap! I had 3 kids there and I actually got a little done. Got the diaper bag cleaned out and the stroller in between changing 2 poop diapers and trying to get the kids to see their mom. Brandy who is 18 mos. old came out a couple of times with crayon in her mouth...little pieces. Lana was ready to go home about an hour into it. Tasha didn't put the baby down once to do any of the other work for the kids so I just offered up my help as much as allowed as a foster/grandparent...and I'll explain that one another day. I asked for the session to be video taped but not sure it was as the first lady behind the desk said it was but our case manager said she'd just take notes. Someone has to know how my daughter can't care for one child and there were three there! I don't mind helping but they're trying to get her enough help to get her child back. Not sure why the laws are that way because you'd think if someone has custody of 3 of the kids that the infant being the 4th wouldn't be an option. God knows the kids didn't ask for a life of hardship and I'm certainly not the baby napper! By the time it was over, I got their coats on, put them back in the stroller and strapped the baby on and went on my way. It was quite easy for me but the others, mom and case manager, weren't able to get that done as easily. Oh well, maybe next visit the kids will let people they rarely see help.
Later that night, I had acting out kids. Lana had hit Brandy across the back with a butterfly net and wouldn't go to sleep. It usually take a few days to get them back on track after a visit or phone call from mom. Not sure who we're keeping happy here but it isn't the kids and the home is only a force to be reckoned with in the end. I wonder if mom feels like her rights have been met since that seems to be all I hear! Parental rights....well, maybe we should think about kid rights! Just like you have to earn much in this life shouldn't you have to earn the right to be a parent and test the waters of what's best for the child?

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