Tasha had her baby! Isn't she beautful
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So Tasha had her baby yesterday. Isn't she beautiful..I know you can't see her face and all babies look alike. Right?
I'm so showing my age here....but who cares..lol...I had to share. Let me tell you how nuts it was.
I had to drive 29 miles, to be exact, to get where we needed to go. With contractions 5 minutes apart I didn't have much time. Almost not enough time for the epidural but somehow she got it. Much more than I can say for when I had her! It was too late and how's that for the first baby. You'd think I'd stopped there. Anyway, I drove anywhere, depending on school signs and intersections, from 40 to 80 mph and saw many cops. Now if that hadn't been an emergency you know I'd been stopped and ticked like one of my old posts! REMEMBER!!! I even flagged my arms out the window and no, not one bite. Thank God I wasn't being kidnapped! The only person who allowed me to pull in front of him was a very kind garbage truck driver who didn't mind at all. I had my lights going and horn honking........thank God I was in the Jeep too. The van doesn't have a horn right now. GEEZLEPETE! So here she is....I present to you little Mandy and we're just glad she is OK. She wasn't breathing at birth but I think she looks fine now! At least util she turns 16! Wow....more girls ;)
ya she's cute
Hi zhi_princess! Thanks, I'm kinda partial to her too ;) Hope you're having a great day and hope to see you blogging!!! :)
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