Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer Came and We Went!

It's been a very long time since I've been able to get on here and blog. I don't think I open the laptop more than once a week now days. I'm still learning the newest routine with Mandy. 

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Me and TaNnah after a lil siesta and back to the pool. .jpg

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Finally its here!.jpg

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is this an indication of how it will be at the pool?.jpg

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

first tater.jpg

And I'm lovin it!
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first time in high chair!.jpg

And I'm not so sure about any of it! Mooommee !
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Saturday, May 2, 2009

God Bless you Teresa

I want to say how sorry I am for your loss, Teresa. I'll be praying for you and your family.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lawyer Advice! YIPEE!

After some thought between Tim and I we decided we should start talking to Michaela Stagnaro. She was a lawyer I used over and over years ago and also in custody for one of the girls. SO LOVE HER! If ever there was an honest and good hearted lawyer it's her. She does the right thing.....don't even say it. I know what you're thinking but she's not your typical lawyer. Everyone loves Michaela. Very smart, hard working and absolutely beautiful. I'd already called her recently about this but not about the case. Just about the future and our plans.

I told her the situation with the presumed dad and she had a quick answer. I just wonder why no one else is thinking this. File and objection and get a paternity test from hubby! DUH, that was hard. I had to tell CPS to suggest this to the GAL and hope that she'd take care of it in court. Michaela said if they didn't seem to be doing what is needed then call her back and we'd get her to start working. We actually shouldn't have to since the state has custody and it's their place to do the right things but we all know how that goes. The problem with this can be that it could slow down the whole process if we get a lawyer involved. So...............which way do we go? just a quick not..................

BTW...did I tell you Michaela is the best? Gets back to me right away, talks to me personally or emails me personally and never ever has left me hanging or rushes me. Maybe it's because she is a mom too and does care.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1st smile.jpg

Look at the power Tannah has over this baby being happy!
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Wow. I need a bath!
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

spa bath.jpg

Look what Tannah made for me along with a pop and bubble bath and mask for my face. Omg how blessed am I?

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Friday, April 10, 2009


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Ornery but cute with those pointy little "tooths" a star is awaiting. She loves to get her pic taken saying CHEESE!
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After much thought as to what to do with those long bangs brandy finally let me cut her hair! It took 3 kids getting cuts before that. Now ill have to hold them down to get their pics!
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My REAL Family History

I decided I should come clean with all of you and tell my REAL family history or story. It'll be the only way some of you know what I'm talking about and hopefully jump on with my cause. It's meant so much to me for many years and have wanted to take time to write a book but every year it gets a bit complicated and I get so busy I just don't have time. Some of you already know and it's not like it's a big bad secret but I wasn't sure it was good to expose myself in that way. Anyway, I find it very necessary if I'm ever going to help others and let's face it, I need help myself from many of you who have no clue there is such an epidemic. At the moment, again, I'm needing more support than I ever imagined so please read on and take a moment to learn why I'm so passionate for kids.

When I was 19 I had a baby I named Tasha. She is/was a beautiful Cherokee Indian I wanted before ever born. Sadly then but happily now her father and I never worked out. I left him after a great deal of abuse when she was only 3 days old. I believe he had many more issues than I ever knew and looking back and discovering her with hardly any time with him tells me how behaviors and actions can be so hereditary. I spent many years struggling with her and her ADD and other issues I had no clue . I just thought she was a good baby being so quiet. I later came to realize it was mental illness which she gets from both sides. My mother and sister both had mental illness so I know/knew all the signs but really didn't want to believe it. I've been forced at this point to totally acknowledge it and that didn't happen until Tasha had her own baby after becoming pregnant her senior year of high school. I already had a child Terra born in 1994 and Tannah in 1999 I was caring for but was all up to being a grandmother and a supportive one in my daughter keeping her child as well. Abortion wasn't an option and if she wanted to give her baby up I would be the first to take her and raise her too. We are family and I'll always teach my kids to stick together to the end.

In 2002 a beautiful baby was born she named Alyssa. Tasha lived here the whole time and we did our best to make her responsible and not take over. Sometimes we worried we were doing too much and enabled her not to be a full time mom. Other times we tried to make her do her job as mom. I babysat while she worked part time barely holding any job. She was always tired, easily lost her cool and obsessed on the strangest things. Her hands were scabbed from washing too much and many other things I can't go into. There were times she wouldn't wake up to hear the baby and couldn't get out of bed for days. We were totally at a loss. At the same time I was caregiver for my mother who I'd just found out had signs of dementia so I was spread a bit thin to say the least. That's another cause I've had to put on hold since Mom has passed since. The role of caregiver for Mom lasted about 5 years to the best of my memory. I have to tell you so much has gone on that parts of that were blurry. She is sadly missed but happily we know she is in a much better place. She lasted to see 3 out of 4 of Tasha's babies.

Alyssa was born in 2002 and we've taken custody of 3 of Tasha's babies since. it all only got harder. In 2004 Lana Jean was born and again we tried to make Tasha be responsible. Seeing in the beginning things worse than with Alyssa we fought right away for custody. I had already taken Tasha to the hospital when pregnant with this baby for overdosing on Phenergan but no one seemed to notice. It was certainly documented. At the age of 4 months a very tough and hard magistrate from Hamilton County allowed Tasha to take Lana to Kentucky not knowing much of the situation although we had custody of Alyssa and Tasha not being in a stable home. With some backing by people with their own intentions and others not taking the time to see, we lost her for 2 months at which Lana came back to us at 6 months old weighing 12 lbs. It was the same weekend some foster parents had locked a little boy in a closet for the weekend and went for a family reunion. Sadly this little angel boy showed others the huge problems with foster care here in Cincinnati. It tightened our system just a little because he died in that closet. Wrapped in a blanket that was taped he fought his way with bloody feet to get out but never made it out alive. A huge story came of this because the foster mom, who is now in prison along with her husband, put on a big front that he was missing from a park. We'd all searched everywhere for him and had finally come to find out his little body had been burned and thrown in the Ohio River. That sparked just a little attention on our system but it really didn't change things much. It's still about parental rights and what to do for the parent who lost their child and how can we get them back in the home...safely?! We finally got custody of Alyssa and Lana. Shortly after that I lost another sister. She passed away right before Christmas.

In 2007 we had a 3rd arrival. Brandy! We were thinking this has to be the last baby she'll have or maybe, just maybe since Tasha finally has her own apartment she'll do OK...or the system will step in. No one really knew what to do as far as in the beginning. I had already been told we couldn't have Tasha live here by Children Services because her sisters were scared of her and had been hiding. We didn't know all this being so busy with the babies and Mom and didn't' really want to believe it. It was true. We had to make her leave but when Brandy was born we brought her here to make sure the baby and her were taken care of in the beginning. About 2 weeks into it an older couple named Mary and Lee, who thought we were work of the devil trying to steal our daughters babies, picked Tasha and Brandy up and took them home. I'm sure they weren't told the truth about us but how can you just believe what you're told when the proof is in front of your eyes. For such Christian people they had such hatred for us in their hearts and eyes always telling Tasha ways to elude us. That seems to have been with everyone who has enabled Tasha in wrong doing by feeling sorry for her rather than looking at what was going on with the kids. Not only her kids but ours as well.

About 1 week into Tasha and Brandy being home my mother fell ill. She'd been over 1 year in the nursing home since I couldn't manage her wandering and manage all the kids. While coaxing some not so kind nurses into giving Mom and IV I get a call saying I needed to go pick up Brandy. By the way, Mom was in Mercy Anderson Hospital for a week and went back to the nursing home with bed sores...another issue still not resolved by the system or hospital. Anyway, Clermont County had set up a "safety plan" in which if things seemed bad I was to go get Brandy and help Tasha by taking her so Tasha could rest. I quickly hurried with Mom and rushed to get Brandy but Tasha wasn't letting her go. I called the police and picked her up and took her home. Again, another custody battle. This time my mother had passed about 2 weeks later. I really think she thought I was too tired to do any more than I was doing with the conversations we had. Tasha had been sneaking in and out of the nursing home staying there at times since she had no place to stay. She'd burned so many bridges and people were seeing the truth. Days had gone by and I knew Tasha was sneaking in and out but there wasn't much I could do. I'd reported so many things at the homes and tried my hardest to fix so much but the system doesn't protect our elders as much as it should. My whole reason for geriatrics to pediatrics reform. One good memory was Mom actually got to help us bath Brandy before she passed on. A memory I'll treasure forever.

After getting Brandy I certainly thought Tasha would get her tubes tied. I fought with her and her doctor but her attitude didn't allow it and the hospitals she went to didn't perform that type of surgery. She was suppose to go back and get it done but never did. Big surprise! Tasha was pregnant again and had been drinking and using drugs to some degree. How much isn't known...she didn't tell me the amount. She was also still taking her psych meds. In the meantime she'd lost her apartment, lived in a homeless shelter and married someone that wasn't the father. Him being wanted in Indiana didn't help as the shelter kicked them both out. There was more than that at the shelter going on. There was theft and a complete take over by the 2 of them. They had some strange support off and on and one of the persons, named Melissa who also volunteered there and at Kingsway Church in Batavia Ohio, gave some strange encouragement. If Tasha was to have her baby in Indiana the state couldn't possibly take her baby and then she'd have custody of that baby and the rest of the children would follow! Wow...another "do gooder" thinking they know the whole situation. I was described as a "devil worshipping mom" and I knew I had a fight on my hands. Tasha did go to Indiana and twice came back. Once by friends paying $150 to get her and another time by my husband and I purchasing a bus ticket and picking her up. This couldn't have been done without the support of her mother in law who I thank to this day. Eventually Tasha called me saying she was in labor so I could drive her to the hospital. I did....I did very quickly! This time I took her to Brown County to have her baby and get her tubes tied. Let me just say I was driving anywhere from 50 to 80 mph down Beechmont to get her there and not one cop would pull me over...and I certainly needed it! I knew Brown County Hospital was a place to get her tubes tied the day after giving birth. That was in March of this year.

With that being said I ended up bringing home another baby. Her name is Mandy and again we're fighting to gain custody. This time Tasha is working the system and a few others are helping her for their own reasons. She has asked for a "case plan" so Childrens Services is obligated to help her in all aspects to follow a plan so she can get her baby back. She wasn't allowed to bring her home from the hospital and Clermont County has custody of the baby but I'm the foster home or grandparent keeping the baby until a decision is made. This could take up to 2 years and in the meantime, it's been very wearing on the whole family due to the rules, visitation at CPS and her usual emotional abuse and court papers arriving constantly. Not to mention the lies!
I can't get any help from friends unless they are fingerprinted and I have to go by the rules set in motion for foster parents. It's a bit different for grandparents. I don't get any of the assistance foster parents get and Tasha can get legal aid and public housing and rides since she doesn't have a drivers license. This is why I've decided to go public and let the world know how it all really works. I never wanted to share my story with anyone I didn't know too well but how will I ever get help for others if I don't let them in on our little family secret. I know many of you thought I gave birth to all 6 kids in my home but I didn't. I do, however, love them as if I did and will continue to fight until them and any other children I can help are safe from our laws and the illness of mental health. You see, as much as love/loved my mom and wish she were here, I know she was ill too. When I was with her I was ill as well and for a long time I thought there was something wrong with me. Not the case. chiming from the peanut gallery, I don't have mental illness and am not on psych meds. Not that it's a bad thing but until you experience the whole thing, you can never understand how it affects the kids. I'm here to break the cycle but I cannot do it alone. I'm reaching out to the world to help get our world to be a place where the kids are safe and happy and we're bringing up better people to contribute and live as one rather than fight and find ways to keep families together that just can't be because the system is for parental rights when the parent can't parent and doesn't support other family members who know the story and continue to fight for what's right for the children. I know because I was one of the kids. This won't stop until things change and people understand what really goes on with courts and services run by our system. We all pay for it with our taxes but it's not us or the kids that benefit in the right way. I'm sure there are agencies and people that are doing things right but as a whole it's not working and if you look closely we have more in the system, in foster care and in counseling. This way isn't breaking any cycles.
I'll continue to update daily on what is going on and maybe some of you can send me suggestions or let me know who to go to for change. I'm up for the challenge as I have no choice. Please keep us in your prayers and feel free to lend your support. Thanks for any interest in my cause!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Grump Day Before Hump Day

I absolutely hate the color green so I thought I'd use it for the day I had yesterday....and was one of those days. I'll call it GRUMP DAY.
It actually started off Monday and carried over into Tuesday.
I get a call from Launa about 6:30 in the morning and she's trying to find the Clermont County Job and Family Services so she can get her fingerprints to help me with the baby. Someone there told her it was by the hospital..? OK...wrong, so anyway, she finds it and waits along with people trying to get public assistance so the line is long and it seems as if she'd better run as fast as she can getting to the front desk as soon as the lady opens up. NOT! She made an appointment. She had no clue it was with a fraud investigator named Kevin Obrien. A tall man with a very shiney bald head. I met him once last year. Seemed very nice both on the phone and in person. He even knew my little girl's father so when she said he wasn't very nice, her son was scared to death of him and he was very impatient with her not knowing how to give fingerprints I found it just a little hard to believe. I've known Launa for over 14 yrs. so I have no doubt in what she says but thought maybe it was just a little too early for her to be doing me the favor so she can help me with the kids. Well, I called Mr. Obrien to see if it was him she was talking about. OMG...sure as shit it was! He was about as friendly as a fossil! I won't even go into the conversation but I can tell you this much. I understand why a little boy would be frightened of such a tall thin man with such a gruff voice and shiney head. Personally, he just made me mad that he could be so rude and mean to my friend who was only trying to help me with the state rules! She'd never done prints before so how was she to know the correct way to put your inked prints on the paper. GEEZLEPETE! Anyway, that was just the start of the week.
The next day I had to go to the same building but different department. I didn't know exactly where the elevator was, even though I asked the sweet lady on the phone and she told me by the gazebo. I went in the same door Launa must have gone in and low and behold who did I pass as he was opening the door to take a client back? That wonderful hunk of a Obrien! I said politely "Could you tell me where the elevator is?" as he stood there saying nothing for about 5 to 10 seconds he gruffly and not so kindly said gave me the directions to the half circle which was a bit longer of a walk than actually necessary. There was one before that! Mind you I was pushing a double stroller and carrying an infant in a baby carrier on the front of me and it was snowing out! Talk about a work out. I ran into 3 gentlemen that opened the door for me and walked a bit and opened another door for me and right away I knew they weren't working there. Way too nice! Not that all people working there are nice but the majority of ones I've dealt with weren't very personable. That's our taxpayer dollars at work. Maybe the government should do something about keeping people a little happier in the workplace since we pay them because if I'm paying someone to do a job I sure as hell don't need a grouch. I can go anywhere and get that for free!
So my reason for going in the same building was for visits with my daughter for her kids. She has to be difficult and not be grateful for me keeping her kids so I have to do the visits through Clermont County Children Services. It's probably a better thing. I don't have to have her at my house emotionally beating me down in front of the kids. It was my first time there and I'm not so sure what I thought of the place but it worked that day. Her case plan manager seems to be nice so far but I hope I didn't make her mad by getting on her a bit for warming the baby's bottle up in a microwave. (OH NO YOU DIDN'T) She said she didn't have kids so she didn't know how to do it. I'll give her that one because so far she's been personable and didn't try to act like I was full of crap! I had 3 kids there and I actually got a little done. Got the diaper bag cleaned out and the stroller in between changing 2 poop diapers and trying to get the kids to see their mom. Brandy who is 18 mos. old came out a couple of times with crayon in her mouth...little pieces. Lana was ready to go home about an hour into it. Tasha didn't put the baby down once to do any of the other work for the kids so I just offered up my help as much as allowed as a foster/grandparent...and I'll explain that one another day. I asked for the session to be video taped but not sure it was as the first lady behind the desk said it was but our case manager said she'd just take notes. Someone has to know how my daughter can't care for one child and there were three there! I don't mind helping but they're trying to get her enough help to get her child back. Not sure why the laws are that way because you'd think if someone has custody of 3 of the kids that the infant being the 4th wouldn't be an option. God knows the kids didn't ask for a life of hardship and I'm certainly not the baby napper! By the time it was over, I got their coats on, put them back in the stroller and strapped the baby on and went on my way. It was quite easy for me but the others, mom and case manager, weren't able to get that done as easily. Oh well, maybe next visit the kids will let people they rarely see help.
Later that night, I had acting out kids. Lana had hit Brandy across the back with a butterfly net and wouldn't go to sleep. It usually take a few days to get them back on track after a visit or phone call from mom. Not sure who we're keeping happy here but it isn't the kids and the home is only a force to be reckoned with in the end. I wonder if mom feels like her rights have been met since that seems to be all I hear! Parental rights....well, maybe we should think about kid rights! Just like you have to earn much in this life shouldn't you have to earn the right to be a parent and test the waters of what's best for the child?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I guess we need more chores around here!

If you think this is funny you should see the video! Wish I knew how to post it! It's Alyssa and Tannah and they love to get into my under garment drawer..not sure why...I haven't taught them this!

She's diggin the boots!

Play yard isn't out from the winter but the boots are! Anyone remember wanting to wear your rubber boots in the summer as a child? I never allowed my oldest to dress this way. Now I don't even bother with socks. Last time I checked I don't think they even found underwear!
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Never too old to play Dr

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At the hospital getting xrays and running from people w flu!

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Alyssa and Brandy

Taxi anyone?

Only 3 of my 8 dogs!

Looks like Ozzy, Itsy and Roxee! Maybe it's just moving snowballs!

Real Florida Oranges!

Look what my dad sent me from Florida! He found out I was drinking Monavie and wanted to contribute to my fruits so check this out! It was like getting chocolate in the mail...soooo sweet and the kids were loving it! He threw in grapefruits ......I check out the entire box to make sure there were no dollar, actually that was the kids doing that...little gold diggers!

Brandy? Dora? or is it Bob the Builder?

So now I know who will build me that mansion when I'm old and grey! Hope she doesn't lock me in the west wing!!!

Ahhh my my neighbors....Cindy, myself, Becca and Edwina! Our own Obama party!

They caught me off guard and said there was a party so no time to dress!

Me....but not sure what I was up to.....probably on my way to Launa's for a little fun ;)

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Just another one to love..more and more!

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Seriously, she doesn't get this from me! I don't have time to even go there!

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Terra's room before I cleaned it....a pic I sent her dad of it! He told me just to shut the door!

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Terra, don't look so mad....I cleaned your room for you!

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One of those thoughtless days!

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I made her hold the baby just to get a pic...and by the way..she is the big kid's fiance!

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The big kid of the neighborhood who never let's me put his name or face up...aha! gotcha tho!

The manny/helper/antthing

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Shannon, I know that's the back of your head!

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Another neighbor to love...and huge help..Cindy!

My support team

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I think she's very happy! Tannah the little mom

That's one happy girl

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Isn't She Lovely! I sooo love my neighbors, yes you Miss Becca (Aussie)

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Happt St. Patty's Day!

My wackador neighbor but we love it's not me!

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multitasking or saving water..nah, just a little fun in the day without the sun!

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


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Fw: all socks.jpg

Subject: all socks.jpg

Does anyone else have this issue?

This is enough for a breakdown! Lol geezlepete!

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Sunday, March 15, 2009


Check this out!
Will post more later!
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Sunday, March 8, 2009


Look what kicked my husband out of bed!
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Look what kicked my husband out of bed!
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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Fw: Bath time or should I say play time?

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-----Original Message-----

Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 03:50:44
To: Mobile blog lanakyndofaworld<>
Subject: Bath time or should I say play time?

First sponge bath at home and I think the big Girls are happier than the little one. We are missing Terra and Brandy in here. Guess I should be updating my profile to 6 kids but who's counting.
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invention of baby bikini bottoms for small baby with umbi cord safety! Lol

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VID 00176.3GP

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

just a couple of my girls

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Mandy Lynn

Tasha had her baby! Isn't she beautful

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So Tasha had her baby yesterday. Isn't she beautiful..I know you can't see her face and all babies look alike. Right?
I'm so showing my age here....but who had to share. Let me tell you how nuts it was.
I had to drive 29 miles, to be exact, to get where we needed to go. With contractions 5 minutes apart I didn't have much time. Almost not enough time for the epidural but somehow she got it. Much more than I can say for when I had her! It was too late and how's that for the first baby. You'd think I'd stopped there. Anyway, I drove anywhere, depending on school signs and intersections, from 40 to 80 mph and saw many cops. Now if that hadn't been an emergency you know I'd been stopped and ticked like one of my old posts! REMEMBER!!! I even flagged my arms out the window and no, not one bite. Thank God I wasn't being kidnapped! The only person who allowed me to pull in front of him was a very kind garbage truck driver who didn't mind at all. I had my lights going and horn honking........thank God I was in the Jeep too. The van doesn't have a horn right now. GEEZLEPETE! So here she is....I present to you little Mandy and we're just glad she is OK. She wasn't breathing at birth but I think she looks fine now! At least util she turns 16! Wow....more girls ;)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

go Diego.jpg

This is the most beautiful cake I have ever made. JK LOL. No. I actually bought it at Servattis bakery here in Cincinnati. Now Terra wants one in June for her birthday.
What will her friends think? She will be 15 years old!
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I think she picked up the necessity to have reading material from someone and it wasn't me!
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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ok 5 out of 5 sick kids but only 3 had to go to the doc and 1 actually made it to school! Now get this..... It was the high schooler! Wt\? How nice is that? How long will that last? lol Just a thought as I was sitting in the doctor's office with the 3 sick and had to share. ;)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy valentines day! I wanted to send out my love and hugs to all my friends and family and my tweeters!
I had a very chocolaty day and let me tell you I don't think I'll be wanting any soon.
I was supposed to have the entire weekend to do what I wanted...which was this! Blog! Write! Sit on my arsk and EAT whatever I laundry..NADA! But..........................
my husband had to go to work for a bit and we all know in this day of everyone hurting financially you cannot turn that down. From then on I don't know what happened but I did get a couple of naps in and was fine with that.
The kids had so much chocolate it wasn't funny. I'm hoping to share on here if I can find the pic I have on my phone. The dogs had diarrhea so that candy not only came back to add up on my ass but to bite me in the ass as we all enjoyed our weekend. You know me..gotta string it out! Anyway, that's my "lover's day" and I'm thinking after 10 yrs. of marriage I'm lucky to get that! And of course, I did get some lovely roses...;) to go with all the happy little sugar buzzed little kids!