Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Another Addition!

Surprise! I'm downstairs doing God knows what when I hear someone crying and another one saying "Wait Tannah, what's wrong?" I can't remember anything else because i knew the kids were going to clean the Sugar Glider cage. I ran upstairs to hear something to the sound of "it's OK...just wait a minute" so I'm thinking maybe one or both are dead. I had heard noises lately coming from their pouch and I'm still new to this new pet AKA Pocket Pets! All know is we all fell in love with them.

So I get upstairs to the cage and I see Ava, short for Avocado, not only is pregnant but has the baby in her pouch. It's similar to a kangaroo. You just have to check them out online for all kinds of information.I have a couple of pics and I'll get more as the days go by. If you look up how they breed and look, which is ALL I have to go by, you can see the different stages. It's nothing like dogs, cats, horses or even elephants.
I called the person I "thought" I got the gliders from which turned out to be the breeder. She told me I would never have known the gliders were expecting or even that Ava had her babies. They are the size of rice when they go into the pouch to grow and feed from their mommy. It is about 10 weeks before you really see them and notice Mommy isn't just fatter and no there isn't really just one in there! I've never seen/heard anything like it. Daddy, Manny, also plays a huge role. He actually takes care of them so you know there is no way he can be anything remotely close to being related to the male human species!!!!!!

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