Description is still up for tell me ;) *said with laughter, love and a few curse words*
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Why Do I Feel Like I'm Going To Die When Everyone Else is Sick But Me??
So here I sit on a Sunday afternoon still in my jammies. I started off thinking I'd get a good night of rest and got my shower. Lana Jean had been cranky all day but I thought maybe it was due to the smog alert and running around to Sam's Club, Kroger, Complete Petmart and a little hotel shopping for my dad who is coming at the end of July. It has been such a crappy week and I was just ready to get in some serious pool time with the kids so when I got my shower and nightie on I got into bed and heard a gurgle from the side of my bed and it was Lana Jean throwing up. She wasn't rolling over so I had to get her up and carry her into the bathroom STILL PUKING!!! God love her..never mind the fact I'm now stepping in it, my hair is hanging all ratted in my face wet and my hands are so smelly I can't even wash them enough to put them near my face, let alone my hair scrunchy! She reminded me of Terra when she was a baby. Screaming as if she'd been taken over by aliens or holy water was hitting her. After about 5 minutes of begging and pleading to let me scrub the "stuff" out of her hair I finally just went into combat mode and used my jammies from earlier to cover her eyes and clean her up. Thank God Tim wasn't sick at that point as he grabbed up the puked in sheets, evidently put them into the washer RIGHT AWAY since I found that "stuff" again after drying and putting back onto the bed. So after a whole night of doing that over and over, just Lana and I up, I get up to find Tim is puking, Tannah is ill and I'm thinking we have been invaded!! I call Terra to come home from a friend's house just to keep an eye on the little ones while I try to recover the home and notice I can't find her once she gets here. She is upstairs asleep FEELING ILL TOO!! OMG I'm so tired I feel like I'm going to I'm not the one who is sick...
Monday, March 31, 2008
Hot Tub In Church funny can they be? We are in the kitchen talking about Grandma Tilford's church and how much we love it there only Tannah won't go because the music makes her cry. It's the hymns from years and years ago but heck, country music makes her sad too. She has always just been really sensitive in that way. Since she sobs uncontrollably and loud i might add, we don't force her to go with us so someone has to stay home now. Well, Tim was the one who took them to Easter Sunday and since it was his birthday, the pastor, Mark who also did my mother's eulogy, told him he wouldn't announce it was his birthday if he came back next week. Well, much to every one's surprise, Tim went to church the next Sunday and alone at that! Let me tell you...Grandma T had a word for her dear sweet Terra! She didn't get her butt up for church that didn't start until 11:00 and I'm talking as in a brunch! Anyway, when we were talking about Tim going Tannah said "Did you go to that church with a hot tub?" as we all busted out laughing realizing she thought the baptismal was a hot tub!!! Reminded me of the time Terra told her dad and step mom something to the fact of not being able to take a poop down by the Ohio River where people are fishing because there was a sign that said NO DUMPING ALLOWED!!! You know she didn't get that from me! LOL...I can hear her dad saying those exact words about "taking a dump" and I still kind of laugh at the things kids pick up and spit out!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Waiting for Evil Dick on Big Brother!
Not much to tell so far except I've been a bit side tracked waiting for Evil Dick to make his appearance on Big Brother this morning. He is going to wake the house guests up with his infamous pots and pans alarm clock. There will never be another BB show as good as ED (Evil Dick) had going. So I've been hanging out in the chat room of the live feeds just waiting and waiting. No bath, toast and cereal for breakfast for all, dogs did get their usual dog food and that's about it so far. So if you can't find me, go to the Lobby of the chat room and I'll be there until at the least about 1:00 P.M. tomorrow unless I get a glimpse of ED waking up those aspiring actors/actresses in the house! Until then....toodaloo!!! BTW..I'll update this place a bit with some new pics and some I promised a while back as soon as I get a grip on my recovery from acute addiction to Big Brother. Get a life you say? forgot it's Lanakynd of a world and that is a life....hehe!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Oprah's Online Class With Eckhart Tolle..A New Earth
I told you I'd be back to tell you about the biggest class ever. Well, here I am, about a week late but I'm here! And the was there and I was too. Hubby, Tim, even made it there. The kids fully cooperated and all were in beds and quiet with we both got on our computers and tried so hard to listen. I'm guessing it was all the traffic throughout the world clogging up Oprah's site. We couldn't get our computers to stop locking up and backing up to one of Oprah's shows. I probably could have dealt with all except I had to watch the beginning part of the class, which was the same show, over and over again. As if that wasn't bad enough, the show was with a special gynecologist so I had to hear things I didn't want/need to hear over and over as well as Tim who was almost starting to blush...NOT...he was just trying so hard to get past the show onto the class. After about an hour, we both decided we'd get online and try to watch it the next day. So I have it downloaded on my desktop and I've been trying so hard to get it on my Ipod...which could take much longer than just watching it! I'll let you know if I ever get time to do that! I am looking forward to it but it'll take some be continued.....;k)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Robin Hood At The Taft Theatre

What a crazy but so well worth it day. At least the part with the kids! Well, the part where they were really good!
Let me back up a bit. (EEECCCCHHHH, and we come to a screeching halt)
I got a call from my brother Randy and he asked if I wanted to take the kids to the theatre to see Peter Pan. I asked if he had enough tickets and he put Julie, my sister in law, on the phone. What a hoot....she said there were enough tickets and free parking so how the heck could I say no to that. I'd have paid but we won't tell them that! ;) This was on Friday.
Saturday morning rolls around and Julie, you didn't get up at 6:30...LOL....but you did get up! She called to talk about the tickets. It seems the other tickets to make up for the 3 more I needed were about 20 minutes from us and the friends that had them were out of town so I honestly figured I had just gotten the kids' hopes up and was in big doo doo! We left it at "I'll see if I can get up to New Richmond to get the tickets in between typing!" My kids weren't cooperating anyway so I wasn't going to sweat it!
About noon I hear a "Grandpa's at the door!" Since my father lives in Florida I'm thinking what the heck is up now? It's my dear sweet Uncle Robert and Aunt Shirley from my father's side and my uncle looks so much like Dad they thought it was him! So we sat around a bit as I thought we sure to God weren't going. They left about 12:30. I was on the phone with my friend/neighbor Carrie when I got a call from Julie saying she was down the road with the tickets! OMG.......the show was at 2:00 DOWNTOWN!!!! I hauled ass off the phone, ran and gave every kid a job and we made the show with 10 minutes to spare. We were so worried about making it on time and driving around downtown getting farther and farther from the door that we paid the parking fee. So well worth the whole thing!
I got into the doors and had to get popcorn and water. Three popcorn and 3 waters were $20. Can you believe it? Oh, and I ran into a customer of the barber shop where I worked and Randy now owns being a family business. I really think I'm going to start a trend when they ask if I'm Randy's sister! I think I'll say "No, I'm actually Randy's brother" or "Randy who?" or something else. Maybe I'll just rename myself something no one can ever forget.....GIRL! The joke of the shop was who looked older when I was working's not much funnier now! LOL ......JK
Anyway, here are some pictures we took and I hope you notice, it wasn't Peter Pan but actually Robin Hood! Julie told me the wrong thing...LOL..but it couldn't have mattered. We had a blast. Thanks Jul! We love you!
Sorry about the quality of the pics....
Sunday, March 2, 2008
A New Earth....No, A New Lana!
I'm back after finishing Oprah's newest contribution to the world, Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth. On my quest to make things better here at home I thought I'd give it a shot. Now this is no easy task to do. Read, here? So I started the book and hoped and prayed I'd be finished by the time the online class started on March the 3rd. It's the worlds largest online class. Valeri Bertinelli read the book, Jim Cary and all sorts of the popular Oprah buddies. I was so into it my husband, knowing I don't ready many books at all, caught me hiding all over the place to read. I even took it to the bathroom to sit with the kids while in the tub! He decided he's seen such a change in me after only 1 chapter he wanted to read it. I'm thinking that's just some psychosomatic chit. He has less time than me to read...HA HA he bought the audio book which made it easier for me when I was sitting around doing nothing! Uh huh, yeah, right! So I went back and forth from audio to book and finished that book so far I cannot wait until the online class. I hope it's as interesting as the book. I'll fill you in!
Friday, February 29, 2008
How Long Does This Last?
I have to say I've been itching to get here....literally! This but I've had has lasted forever and the kids are just going back and forth with it. The best part of all is the pink eye! Yes, the dreaded "what's wrong with your eye" thing to "that's highly contagious" comment is about all I've heard. I can't even tell you how many of us have/had it! All I know for sure is that the little ones are the hardest to get the drops in. I feel like a pro wrestler holding them down with precise aim not to waste one half of a drop! The bottles the drug companies make sure aren't the size they were years ago when there was so much you had to throw them away when expired. Now it's like the Maxwell House coffee commercial...............GOOD TO THE LAST DROP as you giggle the bottle around to make sure you get all your treatments in.
So since Ive been sick I've had more time on my butt, except for when the kids are running me, which is about the same. Anyway, I had to share a couple of things I've been up to to improve on this thing I've been calling my life or organized mass confusion!
I downloaded Suze Orman's book Women and Money and wow it confirms what I really should be doing! I'm on the first month and so I'll be quite slower than I had hope since I've also picked up Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth I heard about on Oprah. So since I have to go one month at a time and be at the LIve Classroom Event by March 3rd I'll just have to get kicking on the self help book and keep up my pace on the "safe plan" book in the middle! To be continued.....;)
So since Ive been sick I've had more time on my butt, except for when the kids are running me, which is about the same. Anyway, I had to share a couple of things I've been up to to improve on this thing I've been calling my life or organized mass confusion!
I downloaded Suze Orman's book Women and Money and wow it confirms what I really should be doing! I'm on the first month and so I'll be quite slower than I had hope since I've also picked up Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth I heard about on Oprah. So since I have to go one month at a time and be at the LIve Classroom Event by March 3rd I'll just have to get kicking on the self help book and keep up my pace on the "safe plan" book in the middle! To be continued.....;)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
What Kind of Bug is This?
What a drag...again! Another bug has stormed our home and it's left me sleepless for over a week. The reason I haven't blogged, opened emails, slept and....did I say I haven't slept? what point to you just fall over? I'd take sleep over money, name it. Now I know how to torture the kids next time they don't listen. I could ground them to NO SLEEP! They'd love it for about the first night I'm sure but then I'd probably have them doing anything I want! Hummmm...I'm going to think about this a bit more! That's another thing about this bug. It makes you delirious! I could be on to something if I can figure out how to control the place by sleep deprivation. Is that considered child/spousal abuse? I think it's worth a shot only if to get the house cleaned!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Big Brother AGAIN!!!! ;)
I cannot tell you how happy I am that Big Brother 9 is on! I'm so an addict. Does this make me nose, strategic or just jealous I can't be locked up for months with stangers to eat, sleep and fight just like at home!
Not sure why but I've always wanted to go in that house not just for the money but to really see how well i could do living with all walks of life. The scamming and cheating would certainly get on my nerves but since it's not real and it ends when you leave the house, unlike home where you still have to live with those people, I think I could handle it. Being a vegetarian the peanut butter would please me as long as it was fresh and no one left the lid off!
The only reason i can't even give it a thought is I'd miss my kids and pets so much I'd have to smuggle them in....not to mention a few other things!!
What about gas? How would I handle that one? I don't mind burping around anyone......why my dad and brother said I was "so ladylike" and then laugh and ask me if I smelled something......or my brother would tell me I love that smell. What a sicko...I think he still does that.
Not sure how I will balance this with 5 kids during school season but we'll see. Every year I watch less and less of the live feed but I have some wonderful friends out there from past Big Brother Years. We all meet up, when I have time since they are all "parked" there, in MIRC and have a great site set up to stick together. I'll have to fill you in some day on who is who but you can go to bbfans and check them out yourself! BTW...those pics are old so I really don't know what we all look like anymore but what a great bunch. We are all ages, all walks of life but mostly, you can miss months and still feel part of the pack. Tell me where else you find that nowadays!!!!!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
HELP!! I'm out numbered!
I seriously thought I had it all under control today. Almost all my boxes of pictures and keepsakes from my sisters to my mom's stuff I accumulated was just about packed away or organized so I could get back to some stucture around here again. At least enough structure that I'd get more than 4 hours of sleep a night. That's 4 hours that are's all broken up. So you can imagine as I sat on the couch to make doctor checkup appointments, dentist appointments and putting other spoken for dates in my planner when I asked Terra to run up and make sure Lana Jean wasn't into anything. Yesterday she climbed out of her baby bed into Brandy's baby bed to tear down the mobile, throw out the digital camera and God only knows what she did to my computer. I had it all hidden there in the case she got out of her bed and was snooping AGAiN! I call her my "Prowler" since she finds, seizes and hides somewhere to engineer! Anyway, Terra took her time getting up the steps to check so by the time I got there she had her diaper off and had wet in the bed. She always takes her diaper off and runs around laughing....knowing she won, again. I've put them on backwards and even taped them to her. FYI....they aren't wet or soggy! I don't know what to do! I know someone has had this happen before me! Help!!!!
Now I'm back to being behind on the laundry, no appointments, planner is empty and the kitchen still has those ugly orange containers on my counter.
Now I'm back to being behind on the laundry, no appointments, planner is empty and the kitchen still has those ugly orange containers on my counter.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
My Paper Trail
Oops I did it again. It wasn't my fault! Alyssa has a field trip to go on this Friday. It's the dentist and God knows she's been there before so it wasn't really exciting at first since she's had some work done and even a tooth pulled. Anyway, I forgot to send in the permission form and had it all ready to go out today so I wouldn't get my 2nd notice, especially since my neighbor had to pick her up for me today, but I did! But it wasn't my fault, teacher! Really! I had the paper out, ready to go when Brandy started screaming in her highchair as Tannah was getting her homeschooling going when my aunt called and wanted to pick up her Arbonne Eye Repair Creme and Lana was ready for her nap and couldn't wait! I knew she had to go then since she spit the last part of her hotdog out so Diva, the pomeranian could eat them and get diahrea for the next 3 days! Really, do you think it was my fault I didn't get that paper in today? i don't know how it slipped my mind! So my neighbor brings, oh gosh I don't know how many papers she's had to "resend" me so I can get this poor kid to the show her what they do at the dentist....LOL I think I'll be using that present I got for Mothers Day last year for Moon Stone Spa! I need a break!
BTW......I got the paper in her book bag signed and ready to go! He He!
BTW......I got the paper in her book bag signed and ready to go! He He!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Hanna Montana Movie Concert ;)
So I took the girls, the older ones, to see Hannah Montana! Woohoo, talk about, really! I really enjoyed the show and would do it all again. Well worth the money. I would have watched it twice if I could have but you would have thought it was the Beatles with those little girls and all their goodies in the theatre. Some were even dancing and singing and some even came in limos. I thought maybe Miss Cyrus was inside when i first pulled up. Anyway, it was really something fun the older girls and i could do together and that we did! Hey, check out Billy here at Biggs a VERY LONG time ago!! LOL
BB..tried to post, black out someone I don't know in the picutre and deleted....remember kids, MULTITASKING NEVER WORKS!!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Another Addition!
Surprise! I'm downstairs doing God knows what when I hear someone crying and another one saying "Wait Tannah, what's wrong?" I can't remember anything else because i knew the kids were going to clean the Sugar Glider cage. I ran upstairs to hear something to the sound of "it's OK...just wait a minute" so I'm thinking maybe one or both are dead. I had heard noises lately coming from their pouch and I'm still new to this new pet AKA Pocket Pets! All know is we all fell in love with them.
So I get upstairs to the cage and I see Ava, short for Avocado, not only is pregnant but has the baby in her pouch. It's similar to a kangaroo. You just have to check them out online for all kinds of information.I have a couple of pics and I'll get more as the days go by. If you look up how they breed and look, which is ALL I have to go by, you can see the different stages. It's nothing like dogs, cats, horses or even elephants.
I called the person I "thought" I got the gliders from which turned out to be the breeder. She told me I would never have known the gliders were expecting or even that Ava had her babies. They are the size of rice when they go into the pouch to grow and feed from their mommy. It is about 10 weeks before you really see them and notice Mommy isn't just fatter and no there isn't really just one in there! I've never seen/heard anything like it. Daddy, Manny, also plays a huge role. He actually takes care of them so you know there is no way he can be anything remotely close to being related to the male human species!!!!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Whoo Hoo!!! Great Wolf Lodge
We finally went to Great Wolf Lodge. We'd planned to go in October of last year to celebrate Tannah and Alyssa's birthdays. Something told me not to plan it around the end of September. I had this sick feeling October was not going to be a good one. Mom passed away that month and we had another baby in the home so when February rolled around and I felt like a real piece of pooh I was so excited the kids got a day off school so we get all the time possible in at Great Wolf Lodge. It's located in Mason next to Kings Island and is an indoor water park/hotel. The time allotted is 1:00 P.M. until 10:00 P.M. the next night BUT check-in isn't until 4:00 P.M. the first day until 11:00 A.M. the following morning. NO LATE CHECKOUT! Never mind the room was $500 for one night and the food was so nasty in the buffet. The water park was a blast! Nothing like it for kids in the winter but someone vomited the first day and my daughter stepped in it. The following day something happened in the wave pool and it had to be "evacuated" at the least until close. The only thing that irritated me was I was sitting on the edge of the pool with Lana and Brandy when a lifeguard came up and told me I wasn't allowed to sit on the side of the pool. I was so tired from my fibromyalgia and carrying one or two kids at at time while watching Tannah, Alyssa and Terra too. Between accidents and strangers, you can never be too careful even if they are 13 yrs. old! Anyway, it was all worth it and I'm paying the price now! Even the kids were so tired they still haven't recovered :)
I wasn't sure what I was thinking when I told each child they could bring a fiend. I also had a set of twins. All were quite good and had a great time. I'd do it all over again but I'd start preparing about a month in advance. It was so funny. I can't remember who it was but one person said to me "Oh that must have been relaxing enjoying the spa life." OMG, I can't even tell you what I said to them!!!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Shopping for Mom's grave marker
What a day. I went to the flea market in northern Kentucky to look at grave markers. Do you think it's about time? I mean it's only been 3 months and I've had to drag myself to do every bit of it. I guess no one is hurrying to do any pre-funeral or post-funeral arrangements. Even when things are all written out on what the wants of the deceased are it's still a long and painful process. If it's anything I've learned is that you have to shop around for everything. People tell you all the time about getting taken advantage of during such a hard time but it's the truth for many reasons. The funeral is so quick you have no time to shop around and the fees from flowers to open and closing, which I thought was the casket but found out is the opening and closing of the burial plot, to the marker are so expensive and pricey if you go for convenience and sometimes there isn't a choice when you are running all over hell and back to get signatures, clothes, pictures and you can only imagine the rest. I had to take a pen and paper both times I had to plan a funeral. I'd never done anything like that in my life so i had to put aside any grieving for the moment and turn myself into work mode believe it or not. Take my sister's funeral for instance. I was so shocked she was gone so soon and unexpedetly and also before my mother that I had to turn the crisis mode into manic work mode. There was no choice. I had 4 kids to take care of and also her arrangements and to top it sister's hair and makeup! OH YES I DID!!! Hardest thing in my life but I kept hearing my sister saying what she had said to me all the time about her leaving this world some day and that was that I had to do her hair and makeup and that if she looked like shit it was all my fault. I told her I couldn't do that and she said she'd come back and haunt me if not and if I felt a big gust of wind knock me around it would be her. Aw, gee thanks Gayle! I don't recall my mom saying I had to do her hair and makeup but I certainly touched up and warned the funeral director I'd have his ass if she didn't turn out well. I always hated those conversations with my mom and sister about death but now I'm glad we joked and they tortured and teased me because atleast I knew what they wanted...well, sorta!
Mom left it all in an elaborate set up listed along with police escort and limo ride for the family but didn't have it paid for. Gayle just told me as I tried to shut my ears and then made her husband pay for it. Knowing my sister and my mother, it was planned more than I thought at the time. LOL......God I miss them. Even the hard times. Anyway, listen to your loved ones even when it's something you don't want to hear. It may be for you to keep going someday in some strange way.
My 43rd Birthday! ;) OMG......It just hit me!
Look at what the girls made me.....and I also got this beautiful opal bracelet from Spirit fav! 

I just got finished up with my least for the day. My REAL birthday was Saturday the 12th but I've decided to carry it over to the entire weekend. Seriously, when am I ever going to get the chance to try and get a whole day out of this. If nothing else, I'll have added up all the time and made it my 24 hours. Hey, I have to milk it while I can!
I got up late, well, after I got up the first time I went back to sleep. I woke my husband up to let the dogs out for me...yes, you heard me right! It took a few but again, when am I going to be able to pass the buck again? I woke up a couple of hours later and remembered we had no coffee. Did you see that? NO COFFEE! I don't do that on a regular day. NOPE...wouldn't make it! By the time hubby got back from getting coffee and doughnuts it was so late it was probably time for caffeine in soda form but hey, he is really trying and I've got to milk that one too!
We went to a place called The Front Street Cafe right which is just across the street from the Ohio River in a small town, New Richmond. It is a small and historical place and the people are so friendly. Hubby had an idea of gettiong brunch and then I'd be able to get on my laptop while he took the kids for a walk.....LOL...we ate at about 5:00 P.M. and they walked for about 45 minutes so that explains my late blog!!
By the time we got home it was late and we had to clean the sugar glider cage and get baths in so it was 10:00 P.M. when we ate cake. So here I am at this hour waiting on a pizza to get here. Uh oh, there goes all the healthy thoughts I started out with this year. So now I've decided I'll get my birthday dinner, since brunch was so late we skipped it, and eat one of everything once I figure out what I want. Since I'm vegetarian, I'm going to make it well worth my while and really pig out. I need something to hold me over until next year because this will be over before I know it and I realized today that I've probably passed more tha half my age. I mean it really dawned on me that 43 multiplied by 2 is 86 and that is freaky to know I've reached some turning points in my life. Exactly what this all means is beyond me but it's certainly is "something that makes you go huh?" and that just means I'll be getting it all in NOW!!
I just got finished up with my least for the day. My REAL birthday was Saturday the 12th but I've decided to carry it over to the entire weekend. Seriously, when am I ever going to get the chance to try and get a whole day out of this. If nothing else, I'll have added up all the time and made it my 24 hours. Hey, I have to milk it while I can!
I got up late, well, after I got up the first time I went back to sleep. I woke my husband up to let the dogs out for me...yes, you heard me right! It took a few but again, when am I going to be able to pass the buck again? I woke up a couple of hours later and remembered we had no coffee. Did you see that? NO COFFEE! I don't do that on a regular day. NOPE...wouldn't make it! By the time hubby got back from getting coffee and doughnuts it was so late it was probably time for caffeine in soda form but hey, he is really trying and I've got to milk that one too!
We went to a place called The Front Street Cafe right which is just across the street from the Ohio River in a small town, New Richmond. It is a small and historical place and the people are so friendly. Hubby had an idea of gettiong brunch and then I'd be able to get on my laptop while he took the kids for a walk.....LOL...we ate at about 5:00 P.M. and they walked for about 45 minutes so that explains my late blog!!
By the time we got home it was late and we had to clean the sugar glider cage and get baths in so it was 10:00 P.M. when we ate cake. So here I am at this hour waiting on a pizza to get here. Uh oh, there goes all the healthy thoughts I started out with this year. So now I've decided I'll get my birthday dinner, since brunch was so late we skipped it, and eat one of everything once I figure out what I want. Since I'm vegetarian, I'm going to make it well worth my while and really pig out. I need something to hold me over until next year because this will be over before I know it and I realized today that I've probably passed more tha half my age. I mean it really dawned on me that 43 multiplied by 2 is 86 and that is freaky to know I've reached some turning points in my life. Exactly what this all means is beyond me but it's certainly is "something that makes you go huh?" and that just means I'll be getting it all in NOW!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Where do I start?! LOL
What do you think so is trying to get across to me in this one?
What a day! I spent the largest part of my time, you know all the bored and free time you have with 5 kids, trying to get a good picture of Lana Jean to send in to Live with Regis and Kelly for their prettiest baby contest. There was a 5:00 P.M. deadline. At around 5:10 I realized what the problem was. Hubby had unplugged the dsl line and Lana Jean had turned off the switch on my computer that allows you to connect to the internet. I am so out numbered here!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

OK, so I try so hard to keep my mouth shut but most of the men in my life say I can't whether it be my husband, brother or of course an ex you can always count on for great backlashes!!
I was watching the news here in Cincinnati Ohio when I heard about the deer issues we have not just here but in Kentucky which is 5 minutes from me. It seems one city has made it legal to kill them in the city limits. JIMO (just in my opinion) but isn't that a bit spooky?
WOW!!! HAYO??!! (how about your opinion)
I've posted a link so you can check it out. Would you rather dodge arrows or deer?
Friday, January 4, 2008
Happy Anniversary to me...
This one will be quick. Anyone with kids knows you don't do much on your Anniversary if it's on a school night. Where is that snow day when I really need it?
My husband asks what I want to do for this special 9 year event. I'm thinking either he has waited so late he knows he got out of this one or he's just getting old and can't remember ways to stay out of the dog house. Long story short...(drum roll please) we waited for the kids to fall asleep, ordered from the local hot wings place and ate in bed while the 2 babies were asleep in their cribs in our room. LOL and neither woke up! Amazing. Usually Brandy will smell food and it's bottle time. I'm sure I'll pay for that one in the morning. To be continued............
Why Happy Anniversary to me? You know dads get lunch and any other meal they sneak away for peacefully without spills, screams and smelly diapers. This time so did I!!
My husband asks what I want to do for this special 9 year event. I'm thinking either he has waited so late he knows he got out of this one or he's just getting old and can't remember ways to stay out of the dog house. Long story short...(drum roll please) we waited for the kids to fall asleep, ordered from the local hot wings place and ate in bed while the 2 babies were asleep in their cribs in our room. LOL and neither woke up! Amazing. Usually Brandy will smell food and it's bottle time. I'm sure I'll pay for that one in the morning. To be continued............
Why Happy Anniversary to me? You know dads get lunch and any other meal they sneak away for peacefully without spills, screams and smelly diapers. This time so did I!!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
HELLO and WELCOME to/from Lanakynd of a World
OK, so all that crazy garb on how school was "unexpectedly" starting and guess snowed and was so cold that school was called off. Now keep in mind my daughter has to be on the bus around 6:50 A.M. but they didn't let us know until about the last 30 minutes of getting ready. I guess they were trying to keep us on our schedule...ha ha...yeah, right. Whatever! Needless to say, it made it impossible to detox crap I'd polluted my body with over the holidays so now I'm officially a day behind. That wouldn't be considered fashionably late by any means. The whole day seemed like a Monday. Then
I had this bright idea that my kids, all except the baby, should go out and get a good snow pic for me. OMG......Hell did freeze over because about 3 minutes into it, Lana Jean decided her hands were falling off and it was time to scream the rest of the day about it.
As I went into the kitchen to make hot chocolate for the younger ones to warm up I noticed my marshmallow bag was on the floor empty! Now which one of my 8 small ankle biters got hold of that? I think you know what I mean when I say Lanakynd of a World or plain old WELCOME TO MY WORLD!! I tell people I'm not making this %#J^ up. I'm thinking I should actually have a reality camera going like everyone else seems to think. I'll have to contemplate this one..;)
I had this bright idea that my kids, all except the baby, should go out and get a good snow pic for me. OMG......Hell did freeze over because about 3 minutes into it, Lana Jean decided her hands were falling off and it was time to scream the rest of the day about it.
As I went into the kitchen to make hot chocolate for the younger ones to warm up I noticed my marshmallow bag was on the floor empty! Now which one of my 8 small ankle biters got hold of that? I think you know what I mean when I say Lanakynd of a World or plain old WELCOME TO MY WORLD!! I tell people I'm not making this %#J^ up. I'm thinking I should actually have a reality camera going like everyone else seems to think. I'll have to contemplate this one..;)
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
What? You have school tomorrow?
OMG! Can you believe it's already over? I came into the bathroom tonight thinking how I had one more day with Terra, my 13 yr. old, and she was getting her hair straightened for tomorrow. I thought we had one more day left to hang out, go shopping, bake MORE cookies.....anything but school! I wish I were one of those moms that can't wait for them to go back but i'm not!
We had such a lazy day I felt food drugged. Why is it all you do the first of the year is start off unloading all the junk food you can? Like you're ever going to be able to get rid of it all. Getting the food out sure doesn't get rid of the temptation and I live 100 feet from Fast Food Lane. We have enough restaurants within arms length to clog up a 1 inch artery!
Anyway, I'm off to try and go to bed and not even close to the time I'd hoped for. Brandy, now 4 months on the 8th, is still up playing and one of the dogs, Osita, is barking AGAIN. I think she smelled my last guilty pleasure....a late night snack of brownie with chocolate chip icecream and most certainly chocolate syrup on top. I'm hoping this sick feeling I have will hold me so I don't do it again any time soon! :( ... I could use some help with these resolutions.
We had such a lazy day I felt food drugged. Why is it all you do the first of the year is start off unloading all the junk food you can? Like you're ever going to be able to get rid of it all. Getting the food out sure doesn't get rid of the temptation and I live 100 feet from Fast Food Lane. We have enough restaurants within arms length to clog up a 1 inch artery!
Anyway, I'm off to try and go to bed and not even close to the time I'd hoped for. Brandy, now 4 months on the 8th, is still up playing and one of the dogs, Osita, is barking AGAIN. I think she smelled my last guilty pleasure....a late night snack of brownie with chocolate chip icecream and most certainly chocolate syrup on top. I'm hoping this sick feeling I have will hold me so I don't do it again any time soon! :( ... I could use some help with these resolutions.
Resolution or New Beginning?
Happy New Year!
It's the beginning of the year and as everyone else I've thought and thought about what I would want to do for 2008. I thought about what I want, need and just have to haves to make this year better than the last. In all my thoughts I kept thinking what was so important and what haven't I tried in the past. Then it came to was easy. In a small moment of prayer to the Angels I came up with Surrender and Release which means I will just stop trying to fix everything I feel isn't what I want and release it. What an easy way to pass the buck!! I can't go against the grain with that so I'll let you know if it seems to be the thing to try. Of course I'll do the usual resolution of eating healthier, excercising and most importantly give my kids the best mom possible but this year I'll be a bit more greedy and think about what I want. I'm going to try to love me again. I have to stop and think if I ever really stopped since I'm still here working on having so much more!! So I'm off to plan my coming back into ME! It'll be a long week with hair, nails, organization of only my cosmetics and anything else that will make it easier to look and feel good for me which I'm told is only better for your family. Actually it's probalby better I start teaching my girls this kind of thinig anyway. What a thing to pass down. Things that make you go hummm :)I'll keep you posted!!
It's the beginning of the year and as everyone else I've thought and thought about what I would want to do for 2008. I thought about what I want, need and just have to haves to make this year better than the last. In all my thoughts I kept thinking what was so important and what haven't I tried in the past. Then it came to was easy. In a small moment of prayer to the Angels I came up with Surrender and Release which means I will just stop trying to fix everything I feel isn't what I want and release it. What an easy way to pass the buck!! I can't go against the grain with that so I'll let you know if it seems to be the thing to try. Of course I'll do the usual resolution of eating healthier, excercising and most importantly give my kids the best mom possible but this year I'll be a bit more greedy and think about what I want. I'm going to try to love me again. I have to stop and think if I ever really stopped since I'm still here working on having so much more!! So I'm off to plan my coming back into ME! It'll be a long week with hair, nails, organization of only my cosmetics and anything else that will make it easier to look and feel good for me which I'm told is only better for your family. Actually it's probalby better I start teaching my girls this kind of thinig anyway. What a thing to pass down. Things that make you go hummm :)I'll keep you posted!!
(Just In My Opinin)
OK, so these are those little thoughts or things that make you go huh?
I'm thinking if I say it's only my opinion, and feel free to chime in on your opinion as well, I can't get into any trouble but only JUDGED! WOW.....let's see what I can find in the future to put out there for us all to elaborate on!!!
(How About Your Opinion)
This is for the nosey side of me or the "who cares" thought. Well, I do and I love to hear your opinion. Let me know!
(Just In My Opinin)
OK, so these are those little thoughts or things that make you go huh?
I'm thinking if I say it's only my opinion, and feel free to chime in on your opinion as well, I can't get into any trouble but only JUDGED! WOW.....let's see what I can find in the future to put out there for us all to elaborate on!!!
(How About Your Opinion)
This is for the nosey side of me or the "who cares" thought. Well, I do and I love to hear your opinion. Let me know!
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