Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

First Day Out Of School

Guess what?! Summer us here! My day? Lmao.......will write once I can find my head!


If I were not such an open minded person, I would be screaming how dare this wholesome company put perverted subliminal messages in kids' snacks!
So tell me, whaT do you make of this? There are several different ideas that pop into my head!
Input anyone?

The Subject (mold in my carpet from God knows what here)

Let us now bow our heads and pray as I embark on a new cleaning experience. I would much rather rip and throw away but let's just see if this alcohol advice works. I wondet if they actually meant for me to drink as well?

How to Clean Mold From Carpet |

How to Clean Mold From Carpet

I'm about to try this out with my Isolpropyl Alcohol. Wintergreen :)
Will let you know if this actually works!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

IFit Workout-

Purchased in 2010, this is actually something the kids haven't destroyed yet......or completely.  I started out buying an IFit Card off Ebay but quickly realized with Fribromyalgia I wouldn't be starting out as most people with a huge sweat and grand feeling.  My workouts have to be built up a minute a week or a small rep at a time.  For example, the first week I will walk only a minute a day and move up a minute at a time each week.  This is tough and leave you wondering why you even try but I promise if you can get to 10 or 20 minutes it will start showing and more importantly feeling much better than if you sat in pain all day and said "I can't!"  Not gonna lie, I have weeks I've had to start all over but that's just the nature of the disease.  If nothing else you can have a few minutes to think without distractions while not allowing the disease to take over.  I decided long ago I would make Fibro live with me rather than me living with IT.  I wouldn't be living, otherwise....I'd be existing waiting for what I'm not sure.
The nice thing is once you get started and feel a bit more comfortable about walking without falling off the moving floor, you can purchase Ifit Workout Cards to put in and it gives you a small challenge.  I'd recommend starting on Level 1.  Once I find my card again, I'll post a pic.  My kids must love it too ;(  Well worth the money but like everything I purchase, scout prices and do your research.  A good solid treadmill is very important.  The belts can slip anytime so definitely purchase a warranty.  Not that this will be covered but my housing is cracked already on mine.......I'll let you know how Dick's Sporting Goods handles that soon as I call them and explain.  Got this feeling I'll be buying that part myself ;(