Description is still up for tell me ;) *said with laughter, love and a few curse words*
Monday, March 31, 2008
Hot Tub In Church funny can they be? We are in the kitchen talking about Grandma Tilford's church and how much we love it there only Tannah won't go because the music makes her cry. It's the hymns from years and years ago but heck, country music makes her sad too. She has always just been really sensitive in that way. Since she sobs uncontrollably and loud i might add, we don't force her to go with us so someone has to stay home now. Well, Tim was the one who took them to Easter Sunday and since it was his birthday, the pastor, Mark who also did my mother's eulogy, told him he wouldn't announce it was his birthday if he came back next week. Well, much to every one's surprise, Tim went to church the next Sunday and alone at that! Let me tell you...Grandma T had a word for her dear sweet Terra! She didn't get her butt up for church that didn't start until 11:00 and I'm talking as in a brunch! Anyway, when we were talking about Tim going Tannah said "Did you go to that church with a hot tub?" as we all busted out laughing realizing she thought the baptismal was a hot tub!!! Reminded me of the time Terra told her dad and step mom something to the fact of not being able to take a poop down by the Ohio River where people are fishing because there was a sign that said NO DUMPING ALLOWED!!! You know she didn't get that from me! LOL...I can hear her dad saying those exact words about "taking a dump" and I still kind of laugh at the things kids pick up and spit out!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Waiting for Evil Dick on Big Brother!
Not much to tell so far except I've been a bit side tracked waiting for Evil Dick to make his appearance on Big Brother this morning. He is going to wake the house guests up with his infamous pots and pans alarm clock. There will never be another BB show as good as ED (Evil Dick) had going. So I've been hanging out in the chat room of the live feeds just waiting and waiting. No bath, toast and cereal for breakfast for all, dogs did get their usual dog food and that's about it so far. So if you can't find me, go to the Lobby of the chat room and I'll be there until at the least about 1:00 P.M. tomorrow unless I get a glimpse of ED waking up those aspiring actors/actresses in the house! Until then....toodaloo!!! BTW..I'll update this place a bit with some new pics and some I promised a while back as soon as I get a grip on my recovery from acute addiction to Big Brother. Get a life you say? forgot it's Lanakynd of a world and that is a life....hehe!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Oprah's Online Class With Eckhart Tolle..A New Earth
I told you I'd be back to tell you about the biggest class ever. Well, here I am, about a week late but I'm here! And the was there and I was too. Hubby, Tim, even made it there. The kids fully cooperated and all were in beds and quiet with we both got on our computers and tried so hard to listen. I'm guessing it was all the traffic throughout the world clogging up Oprah's site. We couldn't get our computers to stop locking up and backing up to one of Oprah's shows. I probably could have dealt with all except I had to watch the beginning part of the class, which was the same show, over and over again. As if that wasn't bad enough, the show was with a special gynecologist so I had to hear things I didn't want/need to hear over and over as well as Tim who was almost starting to blush...NOT...he was just trying so hard to get past the show onto the class. After about an hour, we both decided we'd get online and try to watch it the next day. So I have it downloaded on my desktop and I've been trying so hard to get it on my Ipod...which could take much longer than just watching it! I'll let you know if I ever get time to do that! I am looking forward to it but it'll take some be continued.....;k)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Robin Hood At The Taft Theatre

What a crazy but so well worth it day. At least the part with the kids! Well, the part where they were really good!
Let me back up a bit. (EEECCCCHHHH, and we come to a screeching halt)
I got a call from my brother Randy and he asked if I wanted to take the kids to the theatre to see Peter Pan. I asked if he had enough tickets and he put Julie, my sister in law, on the phone. What a hoot....she said there were enough tickets and free parking so how the heck could I say no to that. I'd have paid but we won't tell them that! ;) This was on Friday.
Saturday morning rolls around and Julie, you didn't get up at 6:30...LOL....but you did get up! She called to talk about the tickets. It seems the other tickets to make up for the 3 more I needed were about 20 minutes from us and the friends that had them were out of town so I honestly figured I had just gotten the kids' hopes up and was in big doo doo! We left it at "I'll see if I can get up to New Richmond to get the tickets in between typing!" My kids weren't cooperating anyway so I wasn't going to sweat it!
About noon I hear a "Grandpa's at the door!" Since my father lives in Florida I'm thinking what the heck is up now? It's my dear sweet Uncle Robert and Aunt Shirley from my father's side and my uncle looks so much like Dad they thought it was him! So we sat around a bit as I thought we sure to God weren't going. They left about 12:30. I was on the phone with my friend/neighbor Carrie when I got a call from Julie saying she was down the road with the tickets! OMG.......the show was at 2:00 DOWNTOWN!!!! I hauled ass off the phone, ran and gave every kid a job and we made the show with 10 minutes to spare. We were so worried about making it on time and driving around downtown getting farther and farther from the door that we paid the parking fee. So well worth the whole thing!
I got into the doors and had to get popcorn and water. Three popcorn and 3 waters were $20. Can you believe it? Oh, and I ran into a customer of the barber shop where I worked and Randy now owns being a family business. I really think I'm going to start a trend when they ask if I'm Randy's sister! I think I'll say "No, I'm actually Randy's brother" or "Randy who?" or something else. Maybe I'll just rename myself something no one can ever forget.....GIRL! The joke of the shop was who looked older when I was working's not much funnier now! LOL ......JK
Anyway, here are some pictures we took and I hope you notice, it wasn't Peter Pan but actually Robin Hood! Julie told me the wrong thing...LOL..but it couldn't have mattered. We had a blast. Thanks Jul! We love you!
Sorry about the quality of the pics....
Sunday, March 2, 2008
A New Earth....No, A New Lana!
I'm back after finishing Oprah's newest contribution to the world, Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth. On my quest to make things better here at home I thought I'd give it a shot. Now this is no easy task to do. Read, here? So I started the book and hoped and prayed I'd be finished by the time the online class started on March the 3rd. It's the worlds largest online class. Valeri Bertinelli read the book, Jim Cary and all sorts of the popular Oprah buddies. I was so into it my husband, knowing I don't ready many books at all, caught me hiding all over the place to read. I even took it to the bathroom to sit with the kids while in the tub! He decided he's seen such a change in me after only 1 chapter he wanted to read it. I'm thinking that's just some psychosomatic chit. He has less time than me to read...HA HA he bought the audio book which made it easier for me when I was sitting around doing nothing! Uh huh, yeah, right! So I went back and forth from audio to book and finished that book so far I cannot wait until the online class. I hope it's as interesting as the book. I'll fill you in!
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